All things decorating!
I just saw this super cute way of decorating Easter eggs! I am in love with this sheep egg!
So cute! If you are looking for some innovative ideas go check out Family fun!
They even have Easter Crafts, and Recipe ideas!
All things pictures!
If you are looking for a place to take your kids for Easter pictures check out Portrait Innovations, they are the best, and have the best prices.
Here is an overview of their portrait package:
Portrait Package Special
Over 40 Portraits
Only $9.95
- One - 10 x 13
- Two - 8 x 10s
- Four - 5 x 7s
- Four - 3 x 5s
- And 32 Wallets
plus 6 FREE Greeting Cards
Not in Oklahoma? Check here to see if they have a studio near you!
All Things Attire!
I've been to two places this year looking for Easter outfits.
The first is Kohls, because I work there duh, lol!
The Boys department has a large selection in 4-7, but
maybe 5 choices in the 2-4t range, which is what my little man is in! Luckily they have 2 that I like! Here they are! It will probably depend on what dress I pick for Abby to go with this outfit.
These range in price according to the sale, but have been as low as $22 and as high as $44.
Now for Abby's dress I likes these choices:
Seen as low as $22 and as high as $48
I've seen this one as low as $16 and as high as $36
I've seen these as low as $8.80 and as high as $22
Now the 2nd place I went was Baby Depot at Burlington.
They had several of the same dresses Kohls had for around $8 or $9. They also had really nice frilly satin Easter dresses for $25.
All the boys choices were suits or 3 piece vest sets. Not really my style, but I think they were around $20 to $30.
I am determined to each outfit for around $15.

Here in the Bible belt Oklahoma, we have many choices of churches to attend. But the place I call home is People's Church! My kids love their classes and cry when we have to leave!
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