Mommy Goggles is offering The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo DVD Giveaway! 2 winners! Ends 7/21!
True story when I met my bachelor husband his entire apartment was decked out in Scooby Doo, I kid you not! Even down to sheets and shower curtain...ahahaha! My kids have just discovered Scooby Doo and would love to win this DVD! And we already know my husband loves Scooby Doo as well!
Mom Knows It All is offering The Ultimate Savvy Parent’s Car Kit giveaway! Ends 7/17! This contest has several bonus entries, so enter away! This would make a great baby shower gift!
According to Rachel is offering 2 Free product coupons and a SteakEze Freezer Bag contest, ends July 9th! So hurry the entries are very low!